
Kamis, 01 Desember 2011

Chocolate work from the World Pastry Forum Bookmark and Share

Many chocolate Techniques were on display at the 2008 World Pastry Forum. The Forum which is a Seminar for professional pastry Chefs Is held each Year in chocolate showpiece
conjuction with the National or World Team Pastry Championships. Chefs take classes with 10 different World Class Chefs over a 5 day period. Each Chef specializes in a different area of expertise, Such as Chocolates, Sugar work, Candies, Plated desserts and chocolate flowermany more. Every year there are many chocolate pieces on display that feature new techniques.Last year was no differnet than the others.Donald Wressel featured a chocolate decoration with long thin curved spikes that were very colorfully airbrushed in orange and yellow. He also did some blue airbrushed fish o a separate showpiece. Bright airbrushed colors were also on display on a smaller amenity piece done by Vince Pilon During his chocolate class. (photo right).

chocolate flower chocolate flower airbrushed

chocolate flower airbrushed

chocolate close up chocolate

showpiece base

chocolate showpiece chocolate close up

chocolate flower

Click on any photo above for a larger version

notter chocolate flower

from the World Pastry Forum Bookmark and Share

Many chocolate Techniques were on display at the 2008 World Pastry Forum. The Forum which is a Seminar for professional pastry Chefs Is held each Year in chocolate showpiece
conjuction with the National or World Team Pastry Championships. Chefs take classes with 10 different World Class Chefs over a 5 day period. Each Chef specializes in a different area of expertise, Such as Chocolates, Sugar work, Candies, Plated desserts and chocolate flowermany more. Every year there are many chocolate pieces on display that feature new techniques.Last year was no differnet than the others.Donald Wressel featured a chocolate decoration with long thin curved spikes that were very colorfully airbrushed in orange and yellow. He also did some blue airbrushed fish o a separate showpiece. Bright airbrushed colors were also on display on a smaller amenity piece done by Vince Pilon During his chocolate class. (photo right).

chocolate flower chocolate flower airbrushed

chocolate flower airbrushed

chocolate close up chocolate

showpiece base

chocolate showpiece chocolate close up

chocolate flower

Click on any photo above for a larger version

notter chocolate flower
tahu telur merapi, udang tornado, gurame goreng terbang, udang galah saos madu, spaghetti lada hitam, burger udang ala By the beach. Ehemm semua terasa di lidah.

tahu telur merapi

Tidak cukup sampai di situ karena kamu harus mencicipi hidangan penutup seperti fonga-fonga, hula-hula, mango, coco orange, slushy berries. Segarnya hidangan penutup ini sangat meyegarkan.

Blueberry cold souffle

Apakah anda ingin menikmati kesegaran buah blueberry yang di padukan dengan lembutnya cold souffle, Saya berikan special dessert untuk hari Valentine, meskipun saya tahu bahwa itu sudah terlewati 2 minggu yang lalu, tapi tidak ada salahnya anda masih bisa menikmati lembutnya suasana Valentine dengan ditemani pasangan anda untuk sekedar menikmati hidangan penutup di sela-sela candle light dinner, sweet.

Bahan Cold souffle:
4 bh Kuning telur
175 gr Gula pasir
260 gr Whipping cream
4 bh Putih telur
25 gr gula pasir
2,5 sdt Gelatin powder

Bahan Tambahan:
* Blueberry jam filling
* Dark Chocolate dan White Chocolate

Cara Membuat:
1. Siapkan Bowl stainless, kocok kuning telur sampai mengembang, sementara itu panaskan gula dengan ditambah air sedikit sampai mendidih, tuang ke dalam adonan telur, kocok rata, sisihkan.
2. Kocok whipping cream sampai mengembang, sisihkan
3. Kocok putih telur dan gula hingga kaku, kemudian satukan meringue ke adonan kuning telur, dilanjutkan dengan menuangkan cream kocok, aduk rata setelah itu masukan gelatin yang sudah dicairkan terlebih dahulu. Aduk rata.
4. Siapkan chocolate dengan bentuk tear drop dan horn. kemudian isi secukupnyadan simpan dalam lemari pendingin smapai mengeras.